On Friday 14th December, Year 12 and 13 pupils came to school wearing their Christmas Jumpers, ready for a day of fun and festivities at our Christmas Fair that they had organised for our younger pupils. Not only did everyone contribute £1 for the pleasure of wearing their jumpers to school, they also planned and organised several stalls which were run throughout lunch time for years 7-10. There was a Chocolate Fountain, Pin the Nose on Rudolph, Mocktail Bar, Basketball Shoot Out, Cake and Sweet stalls. One form also organised a photo booth, using our advanced media and green room equipment.
The whole day was a huge success, with the Sixth Form community raising over £900 for our local charity, Wirral Food Bank. Coupled with the boxes of food also collected by each form in their Reverse Advent Calendar, the Sixth Form can be extremely proud of their generosity.
A big thanks to all of our Sixth Form pupils who made this possible, as well as their tutors who supported them in the lead up to both events..