St John Plessington Catholic College

School Information for Ofsted

Requests for copies

Hard copies can be obtained by contacting the school directly for free of charge. The best way to receive hard copies of our policies is to email - or call 0151 645 5049

School information in compliance with The School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012.

School Contact Details

Please click here for details of how to contact us.

Admission Arrangements

Details of our Admission arrangements may be found within our Prospectus Supplement.  Please click here to download this document, as well as our main College Prospectus.

Ofsted Reports

Please click here for our most recent Ofsted and Diocesan Inspection Reports.

Exam and Assessment Results

Please click here for our most recent examination results for KS4 (Year 11) and KS5 (Year 13)

Performance Tables

Please click here to access the DfE School Performance Tables website for SJP.


Details of the content of the curriculum followed by our pupils are found in the following documents: You can also click here to view the full content of our curriculum.

Key Stage 4:

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Guide

Sixth Form:

Sixth Form Study Programme

In addition, weekly breakdowns of the content of lessons and homework can be found in our  Long Term Plans, passwords for which are distributed to parents.  Please contact us for further information if required. Click here to view the 16 - 19 courses we offer. 

Behaviour Policy

Download our Behaviour Policy 

Careers Programme Information

Click here to download this document.

Complaints Policy

Download our complaints policy

Child Protection & Safeguarding

Download our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Charging Policy

Please click here to download the charging and remissions policy 2022.

Equality Policy

Download our Equality Policy

Pupil Premium and Covid Catchup

Details of how we spend our Pupil Premium funding (and our Year 7 Catch up Premium funding) and the effect this has had on the attainment of the pupils who attract the funding may be found by clicking here.

Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

Please click here for more details.

Names of SENDCos 

Mrs L Dakers is SEND Coordinator

Mrs L Phelps is Assistant SENDCO

Mrs F Lageu is SEND Learning Coach

Mrs Griffiths is SEND Learning Coach/CLA Learning Coach

Contact: , FAO SEND Team

Values and Ethos

Please click here for details of our ethos and values.

Parent View

Click here to visit parent view

Remote education

Click here to see our remote education information

School Policies (Under section 89 of the Education and Inspections act 2006)

Click here to view policies


Structure of the Governing Body

Code of Conduct

Remit of the Governing body

Declarations of the Governing Body

Record of Attendance

MAT Scheme of Delegation

Name and address of the chair of Governors

Mrs Clare McNicholasl  C/O St John Plessington Cahtolic College, Old Chester Road, Bebington, Wirral, CH63 7LF 

Articles of Association

Please click here for more details

Supplemental Funding Agreement

Please click here for more details

Master Funding Agreement

Please click here for more details

Scheme of Delegation

Please click here for more details

HFCMAT Policies

View HFCMAT Policies