Our Mission Statement
Our Vision
Excellence in all we do
Our Mission
Empowering an inclusive community, founded on Gospel Values
Our values
Pride - Respect - Determination
Our Catholic Ethos
“A Catholic school’s ‘ethos’ may be understood to be the outward signs and experiences of the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church in the totality of daily life in a Catholic school”
Christ at the Centre
Our mission is to be a Catholic College where every individual is highly valued and where care and concern for others are central to our work. All our pupils are supported to achieve their potential and become active agents of change in the world.
At SJP everything we do is guided by Gospel values of; faithfulness, compassion, humility, truth, forgiveness, holiness, peace and service.
The College mission statement is on display in every room and guides us in everything we say and do at St John Plessington College.
Each day begins with our College morning prayer. Throughout the week each Year group will gather for a Celebration of the Word (based on the Emmaus Model) based on the liturgical theme for the week.
The fruits of our faith can be evidenced in a range of “outward signs and experiences” including;
The College Mission statement -”Empowering an inclusive community founded on Gospel values.” SJP’s Mission Statement is “ explicit in rooting the life of the school in the person of Christ and the teaching of the Catholic Church.” (Christ at the Centre)
Religious Education and the whole curriculum – Religious Education is taught as a core subject, well resourced and integrated clearly into other curriculum areas
Prayer and liturgy - at the heart of school life
As a sign of our commitment to ensuring Prayer and Liturgy is at the heart of our school, we provide a range of opportunities for participation in prayer and liturgy including; classroom prayer, meditation, Celebration of the Word, devotions, special services for times in the school year, celebrations of Mass and the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Each day starts with the School Morning Prayer and ends with the Daily Examen, based on the prayer reflections of St Ignatius of Loyola.
‘Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.’ (Matthew 18:20)
The College also has its own Chapel which is used for staff morning prayer, Wednesday school Mass and other opportunities for prayer and reflection.
As an extension to the Chapel we also have a beautiful Peace Garden, which is often used as an outdoor classroom where staff are able to take pupils to enrich their learning experiences.
Through our Chaplaincy provision, we offer opportunities for pupils in each Year group to experience retreats to Conway and Savio House. We also host the Shrewsbury Youth Mission Team who deliver an in school retreat, each year, for our new Year 7 pupils, focused on forging friendships and celebrating their unique gifts and talents.
Catholic Life and Mission at SJP is a lived experience with pupils given the opportunity to model Gospel values but putting their faith into action. We have an active SVP group supporting the poor and needy in our local community. Our CAFOD group engages in activities to support the College working towards CAFOD’s Live Simply Award. This year we also have a number of pupils on their way to achieving their PIN level Faith in Action award.
“to make the person of Jesus Christ known and loved, and to place Him and the teachings of the Catholic Church at the centre of the educational enterprise”
Christ at the Centre
Safeguarding Statement
Our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of young people is of paramount importance and we believe that safer students make more successful learners.