Dear Parents and Carers
As you are aware the Holy Family Catholic MAT have taken the decision to extend our provision here at SJP for Year 10 and Year 12 pupils from Monday 15th June 2020.
The intention is to begin the process of reintegration with initial ‘face to face’ meetings on an individual basis. The plan, which we are putting together, will mean that every pupil in those year groups will have the opportunity to come into school for a meeting in that first week. The meeting will be with a member of the Pastoral Team who will have a 30 minute session with them. The member of staff will have information from all of your child’s teachers on how they are progressing and what steps they need to take over the coming weeks. The model will be very much based on the ‘Achievement Plan’ style of meeting that our pupils are used to with their Learning Coach.
This will be the first stage of getting pupils back into some kind of routine over the next couple of weeks and to ensure that they remain focused over these summer months. You don’t need me to tell you what a critical 12 months lie ahead and we have been doing everything we can to ensure our pupils are not disadvantaged. We will then look to see if we can broaden the provision over the rest of this half-term to include some teaching in small class groups. Details will follow of our plans from June 29th onwards, as guidance is updated from the government. All teachers are being asked to make provision and resource materials for an action plan over the summer.
Safety is a concern for all of us at this point. You will want to be reassured that we have made it as safe as possible for your child to return, in whatever way, to SJP. We are constructing a plan which will be rigorously risk assessed to ensure that we are following the current guidance. The school will have designated ‘Pod’ areas which will have their own entrance, classroom space and toilet facility and where social distancing can be maintained.
Each of these areas will have hand washing/sanitizing stations and the ‘Risk Assessment’ will focus on maintaining cleanliness through the course of the day. Once we get to that point, your child will be given clear directions as to what Pod they have been assigned to and will be directed to their areas by senior staff. In order to construct a time-table I need to know whether it is your intention to send your child into school. I am encouraging you to do so but do understand that parents are still anxious in these times.
Your child in the first week, will only be on site for the initial meeting. On the day they come in, they will have to make their own travel arrangements. For those who have an early appointment or one at the end of the day, the school buses will be operating. There will not be an opportunity to use the school dining room. Can I suggest that they bring some water with them as we have had to turn off water fountains. I am not expecting them to wear school uniform but appearance should be appropriate for a school setting.
In terms of letting us know your response, can I ask you to follow the instructions below and as time is pressing could you please do this before 12 noon tomorrow. That will help us to give parents and pupils as much notice as possible and help us in terms of our risk assessment process.
How to complete the ParentMail Form
- We will send you a separate ParentMail email with a link to click on
- This will take you to the ParentMail website (alternatively, if you have the ParentMail app you can use that)
- Please log in
- Then on the left hand Menu, click on Forms
- The form will appear titled, SJP Yr 12 Student Meeting / SJP Yr 10 Pupil Meeting
- Click on the form to open it
- Select one option
- Click Submit
- Click OK
- If you have opted for your child to attend the meeting, in a few days we will send you an appointment for your child to attend
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
Simon Rylance
Head Teacher