St John Plessington Catholic College

Vacancy for a Parent Governor

Election of a Parent Governor

There is a vacancy on our Governing Body for a Parent Governor. Any parent with one or more children on the register of the College may stand as a candidate.

Governors have a vital role to play in the leadership and management of the College in developing the ethos of the College, securing high academic standards and in ensuring good financial management. The role is both to be supportive and to offer challenge to the leadership and management of the College. The role is unpaid. It requires attendance at Full Governing Body Meetings and membership of one or more committees which focus on particular aspects of the College’s work. You will receive an induction and training to help you understand and fulfil your role and responsibilities.

The term of office is for four years but governors may resign in that period if circumstances change and may also stand for re-election for a further term of office at the end of this time.

If the College receives more than one nomination it will be necessary to hold an election. Candidates will be asked to provide a pen portrait of their experiences and suitability for the role and all parents will be balloted on who they want to represent them.

If you would like further detail on the role of a governor there are many resources available on the internet and I have included a link below to an area that you may find helpful.

There is a Governors’ area on our College website which details who our current governors are, their experience and their committee membership. If you would like any further clarification please contact Mrs Williams, Clerk to Governors, at the College who will ensure someone contacts you.

Please detach and return the nomination form to Mrs Claire Williams, Clerk to Governors, C/o St John Plessington Catholic College, Old Chester Road, Bebington, Wirral, CH63 7LF by midday on Thursday 15th July 2021.



Parent Governor Nomination Form


I, …………………………………………. would like to stand for election for the 

role of parent governor at St John Plessington Catholic College. My child(ren) is/are


The best number to contact me on is ………………………………………..


Signed …………………………………………………………..