St John Plessington Catholic College

What people say about us

The students at St John Plessington are the jewels in the crown of this Outstanding College.”  (Ofsted)

Other quotes about our College:

“When I came to look around SJP there was something that just felt right.”

“The College exemplifies all that is best in Catholic education.”
(Bishop of Shrewsbury)

“What I have heard about this school makes me incredibly proud that it is one of the top school in this country.”
(Rt Hon Gordon Brown)

Winner – Secondary School of the Year
(TES National Schools Awards 2010)

Winner – Numeracy & Maths Award
(TES National Schools Awards 2013)

Shortlisted – Literacy & English Award
(TES National Schools Awards 2013)

“Fantastic‑results‑and phenomenal‑student‑engagement.”
(TES Awards – Judging Panel)

“Relationships between all members of the College community are warm, friendly and based upon mutual respect.”

“The College is a calm, orderly place of learning that students are proud to be members of.”

“The behaviour of students is exemplary. They are happy, safe and have real pride in their College.”

“Students’ enjoyment of learning and commitment to their studies are reflected in their above-average attendance and high academic achievement.”

“Students value the strong relationships they have with each other and their teachers. These relationships, built on a foundation of mutual respect, create an atmosphere where outstanding learning can take place.”

“Students are invariably polite and courteous towards each other and their teachers.”

“Students are keen to do well and value the care and support of the adults who work with them.”

“The College has been very effective in developing students’ literacy skills and this is having a positive impact on their use of English in all subjects; developing their writing, improving spelling and increasing their knowledge of subject specific vocabulary.”

“Teachers know their students well and have high expectations of their performance.”

“Teachers’ lesson preparation is meticulous and they ensure that lessons have an interesting range of activities that challenge, engage and enthuse students; appealing to the different ways that they learn.”

“When students enter the College they are set challenging targets for achievement in all their subjects. Students’ progress, against these targets, is rigorously and regularly monitored.”

“Equal opportunities and challenging discrimination in all its forms are central to the College’s philosophy. Equal opportunities are promoted through the curriculum.”

“Every student is given the opportunity to participate in the wide range of additional activities provided by the College.”

“The rich variety of clubs, overseas trips and volunteering opportunities adds to the students’ understanding of other cultures and helps them to develop their interpersonal and communication skills.”

“The outstanding leadership of the Head Teacher supported by passionate and determined colleagues are central to the success of the College.”

“During my visit to SJP, I was impressed with the strong support system at the school and the varied network of people available for the children, especially the Learning Coaches who the children meet with once a term to discuss their progress.”

“The quality and diversity of the curriculum offered is quite exceptional.”

“Why would anyone not want their child to attend such a high performing school that keeps the pupils motivated and engaged all through their secondary education? The teachers are helpful and inspiring, sincere and unpretentious.”

“Students believe the College is, in their words, ‘a big family where everyone is the same’ and that ‘the College makes you feel confident that you can achieve’.”

“This is an Outstanding School in which exceptional things happen.”

“After coming to SJP, we walked away smiling. This school is by far the best. What comes across is that regardless of success, the College is ambitious and continues to strive for improvement.”

“We believe the school’s Christian ethos teaches tolerance, care and consideration for others, reinforcing our own family values.”

 “We were overwhelmed by the facilities offered by the school and the manners of the pupils. The pupils have greatly influenced our school choice; they are polite, respectful and always well presented.”

“Sixth Form students are mature, articulate and hard-working.”

“One cannot help but sense the enthusiasm, dedication and pride that the school community has and we whole-heartedly agree with the Head Teacher that SJP is not a second choice school.”

“The College is outstanding in all areas of its provision for Catholic Education.”
(Diocesan Inspection)

“The atmosphere of calm confidence and excellent relationships in the College is second to none. In this College it is both acceptable and expected to do your best.”

“Students believe the College is, in their words, ‘a big family where everyone is the same’ and that ‘the College makes you feel confident that you can achieve’.”

 “The College is characterised by a collective espousal of Gospel values and a unity of purpose in translating them into practice.”
(Diocesan Inspection)

 “We were immediately impressed with the happy and relaxed atmosphere of the school and the way in which current students presented themselves. They spoke with such pride about SJP.”

“Overall we have been impressed by the universal positive feedback from friends who have children at St John Plessington.”

“We wanted a school where moral standards were just as important as respect for others, all taught in a disciplined environment.”

“I am convinced that the culture, educational standards and attention to individual’s needs were exactly what my daughter needs to enable her to fulfil her potential.”

“The feeling of calm and warmth we were met with at Open Day was refreshing.”

“Our son loved the Peace Garden on the School Open Day and the opportunity of a quiet reflective space to rest in the school day.”

“It is important that my child receives an education that promotes both academic and personal development.”

“What also comes across is that regardless of success the College is ambitious and continues to strive for improvement.”

“I was entrenched in the belief that academic excellence could only be achieved through a grammar School. However, it was only after visiting St John Plessington that I actually realised for the first time in my life that this was not the case.”

“Your school motto ‘Always faithful to Christ’ is the ethos we want to encourage our children to live by and SJP is the only local school that provides such a holistic education.”

“You tell me what caring parent wouldn’t want their child to excel in their education, the standards that are delivered by St John Plessington are exceptional.”

“Our daughter is a quiet, well behaved child who will flourish and achieve her potential in the well ordered, supportive learning environment of SJP.”

“We were overwhelmed by the facilities offered by the school and the manners of the pupils. The pupils have greatly influenced our school choice; they are polite, respectful and always well presented.”

“When we visited SJP the teachers and pupils went out of their way to help and inspire us. Our son was very excited about the prospect of joining such a high achieving, vibrant and well run school.”

“We are blessed to have SJP as our local school.”

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    “Students are invariably polite and courteous towards each other and their teachers.”


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    WINNER – Secondary School of the Year

    (TES National Schools Awards 2010)

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    “The students at St John Plessington are the jewels in the crown of this Outstanding College.”  


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    “All that is best in Catholic education." Bishop of Shrewsbury

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