Jesus, who was at your side, even your closest friends, deserted you. No one would speak up for you. Lord, how often do we dessert you fail to stand by you? When we see our brothers and sisters in need, when we see the despised, marginalised, ridiculed and we do not help.
Jesus carries the cross – RE Corridor
Jesus, you carried your cross and you were pushed through the narrow streets of
Jesus falls the first time – Yr 11 Corridor
Jesus you lay yourself down over the troubled waters of my life. It is my wrong doing, my selfishness that brings you to your knees. Help me to appreciate the effect of my selfishness and help me to pick myself up so that I may start again.
Jesus meets his mother - SENCO
Lord among the crowd you see your mother’s face. You must have remembered your childhood days with Mary, when she held you and bathed your grazed knee and kissed you better. Now you see her face full of sorrow. In our life may we also know your mother’s comfort. Like you may we reach out to her in love.
Simon helps Jesus carry the cross - Drama
Jesus, your friends are nowhere to be found. So Simon is forced to help you carry your cross. How many times do we have to be pressed into your service? How often are we unwilling to carry the crosses that we have been given in our lives. Give us strength to serve you willingly.
Veronica wipes Jesus’ face - Science
Jesus, we thank you for the courage of Veronica, who risked all to wipe away the tears, the blood and the sweat from your eyes. So often we see you face in the homeless, the lonely, the sick those who are unhappy. So often we do not have the time or the inclination to wipe away their tears. Help us to hold out the towel of love to those in need.
Jesus falls a second time – Assisi
Jesus, the scriptures tell us that you were brought lower than any other person, and you did this out of love for us, that you might be a bridge to the Father in heaven. Help us to be humble and that in our turn we might be a bridge to others so that they might also find their way to the Father.
The women weep for Jesus - PE
Jesus, even in your agony you try to comfort the women of
When I am hungry give me someone to feed.
When I am thirsty give water for their thirst
When I am sad, someone to lift from sorrow.
Jesus falls the third time – IT
Greater love has no one than to lay down their life for their friends. Jesus, how often do you show your love for us? And still we do not understand. Fill our hearts with your love that in return we may love.
Jesus is stripped – Chapel
Jesus is nailed to the cross - History
Jesus is taken down from the cross – Maths
Jesus is placed in the tomb – English