St John Plessington Catholic College

Careers Fair 2022

On Thursday 1st of December, Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students at SJP took part in a Careers Fair, set up exclusively for them in the main hall of the College.

Students were allocated time during the event to interact with a range of universities, further education colleges, training providers and employers.

Students were able to browse the stands, gaining expert advice on job roles and job sectors, as well as information/guidance on the range of education and training routes available to them in the future. Supporting our young people to become well informed in terms of their future choices is a key part of our careers strategy and more events to consolidate this support will follow in the future..

'Game development at Lancashire (university) is a winner' - Year 10

'The questions in the pack helped as I wasn't sure what to ask any of them' - Year 10

'Didn't know there is a proper university in Wrexham' - Year 10

'It was great to speak to the Army guy - I am thinking about joining the Air Corps after SJP - it sounds like engineering might be my best choice' - Year 11

'I didn't realise how many different levels there are for apprenticeships' - Year 11

'My aim is to become an accountant - Durham and John Moores both look strong - going to do a bit more digging on these' - Year 12

'I love Maths and Science and these are my strongest subjects - two or three of these universities are real possibilities for me (to study engineering) - Year 12

'I want a career in Dance- spoke to the girl from LIPA (Liverpool Performing Arts) who has just graduated - it was great to listen to what she experienced' - Year 13

'Sorted - Barclays gave me some really good advice about applying (apprenticeship in cyber security) along with the contact details to do it' - Year 13