Dear families
Thank you for your support and understanding at the unfortunate decision I had to make to close the school today. This was for a number of reasons:
- Snow and icy conditions around school and on the main yard posing serious health and safety concerns.
- Issues around transport including rail services used by students and staff on the Wirral line.
- Concerns with staff shortages and supervision due to transport and other school closures.
These decisions are not taken lightly, but the safety of students and staff is our number one priority.
Site staff are working hard to clear the outside areas of school and will continue to do so throughout the day. As such, we plan to be open again as normal tomorrow, Wednesday 8th January at 08:30. Any unforeseen changes to this will be shared via the usual communication channels.
Staff will set work for students to complete on Google Classroom today and will be available to support should your child need any help.
Once again I thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards
Mr Peadar McLoughlin