St John Plessington Catholic College


Dear Parent/Carer

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award 

Thank you for expressing interest in the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

In your Welcome Pack you will find the following:

  • Parent Guide to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award
  • Programme ideas for each section
  • Programme planner for each section at SJP
  • Expedition Kit List

We are very excited to be able to offer all students in Year 10 the opportunity to complete the Award, following such a long break following COVID. We consider the Award to be a highly prestigious and valuable aspect of The SJP Experience. If you would like your child to be registered and take part in the Award, please complete the Google Form HERE and pay the initial registration fee of £24, by Friday 27th January 2023 via Parentmail.

  1. Log into ParentMail ( - go to Payments - Shop
  2. Click on the Trip and click on Pay Now 
  3. Give your consent by switching it on. Then click Complete.

Please note that this registration fee is paid directly to DofE and is non-refundable should your child decide to not pursue the Award with us. However, their register remains live until they reach the age of 24, allowing them to complete externally with other providers. If you are unable to use the ParentMail payment system, please get in touch via email to so we are able to rectify this for you. Please do not send cash/cheque payments to school. The remaining payment of £71 will be due as follows: 

£36 - to be paid by Monday 27th February 2023

£35 - to be paid by Monday 27th March 2023

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for attending the launch evening as we embark on this very exciting journey. Please discuss the different sections with your child and help them to plan appropriate activities. Your support now and throughout the year will be invaluable.

Yours sincerely

Mr A. Craige

Duke of Edinburgh Co-ordinator