St John Plessington Catholic College

Letter from the Head of School

Dear Families

I write to you following yet another busy half term here at SJP. We have ended this week with our amazing production of Grease and a visit from Chris Lubbe. Today our Eco club raised over £170 for the earthquake appeal through a breaktime cake sale.

I would like to thank all of our Performing Arts staff, staff from across the college for their support and a special thank you to our amazing students for all the hard work that they have put into the production, which was fantastic. It was great to see so many of our past pupils return to SJP for this event and hear the many successes that they have achieved.

On Thursday, Chris Lubbe, the former bodyguard of Nelson Mandela gave a truly moving, life changing and inspirational talk to all our students. Chris delivered this in person to year 10, 12 and 13 and via zoom to years 7 - 9. During his visit Chris met members of the Diversity Ethnic Background Students (DEBS) group and even came to the yard to say goodbye to students as they left school at the end of the day. Further information and photographs are available on our social media sites and here on our website.

We have recently had 2 trips return from both London and Paris, where once again the feedback from children and parents has been so positive. I am delighted that students are getting the opportunity to participate in these visits both local, national and international, and would like to thank staff for giving up their time to make this possible.

There have been many other fantastic experiences this term, please check out our Newsletter which is available here.

Next half term we have many more exciting opportunities available for students including trips to ‘The Lion King’ , our Ski Trip and visit to Barcelona. Our trial examinations continue and I wish all pupils the best of luck as they move closer to the end of year GCSE and A-Level examinations.

All year groups will have received a form today detailing activities that they can complete over the half term break to support and consolidate their learning. I would ask you to encourage your child to complete these tasks. Following recent consultations with parents, staff and pupils, meaningful homework will be set regularly for all pupils in all subjects after half term. I will share more information with you shortly.

The college will reopen again on Monday 27 February for all pupils. Can I please remind parents of our College Uniform and Appearance Policy. Piercings, false nails and false eyelashes are not allowed to be worn. Students must also wear appropriate school shoes. Our full uniform and appearance policy is available here on our website. Mobile phones should be switched off when in school. Any pupils seen with their mobile phones out in school will have them confiscated and they must be collected by a parent.

I am pleased to say that we have noticed an improvement in behaviour and recognise that we still need to keep working on this. Our interim Behaviour Policy and Lates Procedure will continue after half term. Students who are late to college and lessons will be issued with a detention. I would encourage parents to use the Arbor app to monitor their child’s positive and negative behaviour, this will also show if your child has been issued a detention. Should your child fail to complete their detention this will be followed up through our staged Behaviour Policy. These stages can be found here on our College website.

During the week beginning 13 March we will be making slight changes to the school day. This change will allow us to reintroduce clubs and enrichment activities throughout the week during lunch time. Further information will be shared closer to the time with students during registration.




08:40 - 09:00


09:00 - 10:00


10:00 - 11:00


11:00 - 11:20


11:20 - 12:20


12:20 - 13:15


13:15 - 14:15

Lunch / Enrichment

14:15 - 15:10


As ever I appreciate all the support that you have shown this term and never take this for granted. I hope that we can continue to work together to ensure that all our students have the best chances in life.

Have a safe and happy half term break.

Best wishes,

Mr P McLoughlin

Head of School