Dear families,
I am delighted to inform you that our OFSTED report has now been published and is available on the school website which can be accessed using this link.
We are really proud to let you know that our latest inspection report has rated SJP a “Good” school. Last year 83% of outstanding schools across the UK, who have been inspected were downgraded under the new Ofsted framework. The majority (62%) became ‘Good’, but over a fifth fell to ‘Requires Improvement’ (17%) or ‘Inadequate’ (4%). Throughout the two days, inspectors were able to see our fantastic students and much of the great work that is happening here at SJP.
We would recommend that you read the full Ofsted report, which highlights key points and recommendations from the inspection. In particular I would like to point out some of the key strengths identified by the inspectors:
“Pupils and sixth-form students at this school access a high-quality education. Leadersexpect them to behave well and succeed academically… They achieve well.”
“Leaders have designed a curriculum which is ambitious for all, including pupils with SEND.”
“Leaders put pupils’ spiritual and moral development at the heart of school life. There are daily opportunities for pupils to reflect. Leaders have designed an effective personaldevelopment curriculum which ensures that pupils learn about respect, tolerance and how to stay safe online. As a result, pupils and students in the sixth form are well prepared for life in modern Britain.”
“Leaders ensure a strong culture of safeguarding.”
You will notice that on the report, behaviour and attitudes has been judged as “Requires Improvement”. This section of the inspection not only looks at behaviour but also attendance. We know that attendance has been an issue across the country following COVID and this has also been a challenge for us at SJP. Inspectors throughout the inspection noted the work happening to improve this but average attendance still remains below national average.
You will also be aware that, after the half term break, leaders identified that there were aspects of behaviour that needed to improve for a small number of pupils. In response to this, we introduced an interim support plan to support students and staff. Again, Ofsted complemented the school on how quickly this had been dealt with and saw how actions had already had a positive effect. This however, along with lower than average attendance, does impact on the grade of this section of the report.
As you know since taking on the position of interim Head of School and in conjunction with the Trust and Executive Headteacher Mrs Wheeler, we have worked tirelessly to ensure that all areas for improvement are addressed. This was highlighted in the report where inspectors have commented that “Trust leaders have taken decisive action to ensure that the school continues to be led well. They support the school’s leaders to ensure that pupils learn in a calm and safe environment. Trustees and governors know the school well. They focus clearly on school improvement.”
You have my continued commitment to ensure that these high standards and expectations continue to be upheld across all areas of the school and we continue to have a conducive and inspiring environment for all pupils to learn.
As ever, we thank you for your continued support which is never taken for granted. I look forward to building upon this partnership to ensure that SJP continues to grow in strength to provide a supportive and caring environment where all pupils are equipped to achieve their full potential.
Mr P McLoughlin
Interim Head of School