Dear families
I hope that you are keeping safe and warm. Site staff have been on the yard all day today trying to break the sheet of ice in the emergency evacuation areas. While there has been some success with this, temperatures are due to drop again this evening to -3 with a further weather warning issued.
I have been working with the local authority to identify areas around the school that require clearing / gritting along with trying to clear a sufficient space in the Oval which could potentially be used as an evac point. They are going to attempt to complete this overnight tonight.
I will continue to do all I can to get the site open as soon as it is safe to do so.
I will assess the site again tomorrow morning at 7am and make a decision at this point.
Site will be open for those students in year 13 who are completing public examinations.
Thank you again and keep safe.
Mr Peadar McLoughlin