St John Plessington Catholic College

Welcome Back to a New Term at SJP!

6th January 2025

Dear Families,

Happy New Year to our St John Plessington Catholic College Community!

We hope you had a joyful and blessed Christmas break. As we welcome the New Year, we remind you that school will resume for all students on Tuesday, 7th January at 08:30.

As we begin this new term, we would like to remind you of the importance of attendance and punctuality. These are crucial for your child's academic success and overall development.

Further reminders include:

  • Uniform: All students are expected to wear full school uniform, which includes school shoes and blazers.  A sensible winter coat is also advised.  Hoodies etc. are not acceptable.  Coats should not be worn in the building. 

  • Makeup and Jewellery:

    • Students in Years 7, 8, and 9 are not permitted to wear makeup.

    • Year 10 and 11 students should maintain a business-like appearance.

    • Jewellery and earrings, fake tan and false nails and eyelashes should not be worn.  Any students returning with this will be asked to remove them. 

  • Mobile Phones: Mobile phones must not be used during school hours. If a phone is confiscated, it will need to be collected by a parent—no exceptions.

We appreciate your support in ensuring that our students adhere to these expectations, as it helps foster a positive learning environment.

Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to a successful term ahead!

Warm regards,

Mr Peadar McLoughlin
St John Plessington Catholic College