St John Plessington Catholic College

Latest News

All the latest news from SJP

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  • End of Year letter from the Headteacher

    End of Year letter from the Headteacher

    Dear Families

    As the academic year comes to an end, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my deepest gratitude to each of you for your unwavering support and collaboration throughout the year. It has been a year of growth, learning, and numerous achievements, all of which were made possible through our collective efforts.

    As we come to the last week of term, we look forward to embarking on our two experience days. I would like to remind students and parents that exemplary behaviour and conduct is required during these two days, especially pupils who are representing our college when on trips. Attendance over the remaining week of school is compulsory and non-attendance could result in an Education Penalty Notice (EPN).

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  • Sports Day 2024

    Sports Day 2024

    Dear Parent/Carer,

    Arrangements for Years 7, 8 & 9 Sports Day on Tuesday 9th July 2024

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  • Message from the Headteacher

    Message from the Headteacher

    Dear families,

    I hope you are well and enjoying the good weather. Upon reviewing the weather forecast for the rest of the week, it shows a spike and peak of 26 degrees Celsius tomorrow. For this reason, and for tomorrow only, students may wear their PE kit to and from school if they wish.

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  • 1 Million Steps - Cash for Kids Challenge

    1 Million Steps - Cash for Kids Challenge

    Dear Parent/Carer, 

    This week SJP will be supporting Sam Thompson's 1 Million Steps School Challenge, for 'Cash for Kids'. As a school, we are pledging to walk 1 million steps collectively over 5 days in order to support Cash for Kids to make sure school children do not go hungry during the school holidays. Students across all year groups will have the opportunity to participate in the challenge during their PE lesson(s) this week.

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  • From Fell Racing to European Qualifiers: Huw's Athletic Journey

    From Fell Racing to European Qualifiers: Huw's Athletic Journey

    The end of March to mid April has been a busy time for Huw. Firstly he represented SJP in the British Schools Biathlon improving his qualifying points by 78 points.

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  • School Closed - 15.04.2024

    School Closed - 15.04.2024

    Dear Families

    I am sorry for the late communication. Some of you will know we had some power issues in the local area on Friday. Scottish Power were on site throughout the day and the issues were resolved on Friday evening.
    In an attempt to ensure that the site was ready for pupil return tomorrow, staff came to site today, Sunday to check power, phones and networking.

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  • End of Spring Term Letter from the Headteacher

    End of Spring Term Letter from the Headteacher

    Dear Families

    As we approach the Easter holiday, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the significance of this special time in the Catholic faith.  Easter is a time of renewal, hope and joy as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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  • Notification of Yr 9 Options Evening - Thurs 7th March 2024

    Notification of Yr 9 Options Evening - Thurs 7th March 2024

    Dear Families

    Notification of Yr 9 Options Evening - Thurs 7th March 2024

    I hope you are keeping well. As you will be aware, your child will be making important decisions soon about what to study at Key Stage 4, in Years 10 and 11. They will have some compulsory subjects and will have some subjects which they can choose. It is important that they are as well-informed as possible and that you have all the information needed to help guide them to making the right decisions.

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  • 'Meet The Professionals' Careers Event

    'Meet The Professionals' Careers Event

    Today our Year 9 students took part in a 'Meet The Professionals' Careers Event. Organised by our partners Elevate, ten employers were invited in to talk about their companies and what it is like to work for them.

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  • Inspiring the Next Generation of Musicians at St John Plessington

    Inspiring the Next Generation of Musicians at St John Plessington

    An unforgettable day unfolded at St John Plessington on February 28th when the esteemed Northern Chamber Orchestra and talented artists from Edsential Musical Routes graced our school, leaving an mark on our Year 7 students.

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  • Wirral students deliver spellbinding performance of The Addams Family

    Wirral students deliver spellbinding performance of The Addams Family

    Students from St John Plessington Catholic College recently took to the Gladstone Theatre stage, Port Sunlight, to perform a spooky and comical ‘boy meets girl’ adaptation of The Addams Family. 

    A tale of love, acceptance and friendship, the production had something for everyone. The unique story was told by a cast and team of 80 students, including actors, dancers, musicians, and backstage crew. 

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  • 25-Jan-24 - Letter from the Headteacher - Standards & Expectations

    25-Jan-24 - Letter from the Headteacher - Standards & Expectations

    25 January 2024

    Dear Parents / Carers

    I hope that you and your families are well. As we embark on the new calendar year and as our academic year is well underway I felt that it would be timely to remind both parents and students of what our minimum standards and expectations are. I am pleased to report significant improvements over the past year surrounding behaviour and many of the recommendations identified by OFSTED have been addressed. I wish to thank parents as always for their support in ensuring all our children have access to a conducive learning environment.

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